Thessalon Bible Chapel
Our Programs

Sunday School
Sunday school is held Sunday mornings during our worship service from 10:30 - 11:15am.
We have classes for ages 2-12. Each week children can worship God through singing, Bible stories, learning Bible verses, activities, and play. It is a great place for kids to meet new friends!
Our workers are loving and caring individuals who volunteer their time in our Sunday School Program.
All of our volunteers are trained in the Child Protection Program.

Ladies Coffee and
Bible Study
A small group of women meet two Thursday mornings per month from 9:30 - 11:00am in the Chapel Gym. This is a time for praising God through hymn singing, Bible study, and prayer. The ladies encourage each other and enjoy fellowshipping together. Coffee and goodies are served!
(See bulletin for specific dates)

Sunday Evening Bible Study
A group meets in the office room at the chapel on Sunday evenings from 6-7pm. This is a time of study through God's word, following with a short discussion period. It is a great way to be encouraged and spend time with others learning more about the Bible. The study runs from October through April.

Men's Bible Study
A small group of men join on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month in the chapel gym from 2:30 - 3:30pm. They read from God's word and are led through a Bible study together. It is a great time for encouragement and fellowship. Coffee and goodies are served!
(See bulletin for specific dates)

Craft Day
Craft Day is a great time to bring your unfinished projects you are working on and spend some time encouraging and sharing with others. Plan to come for the day or even just an hour. A light lunch is provided at noon and a devotional time.
(See bulletin for specific date)

SONshine Club
The SONshine Bible club is a free after school program that takes place at Thessalon Public School. Kids get to listen to bible stories, join in on fun activities, and games after school.
All of our workers are trained in the Child Protection Program

Men's Breakfast
Men's breakfast is held every third Saturday of the month at 8am in the chapel gymnasium. Join us for a time of fellowship, prayer and devotion.
(See bulletin for specific dates)

We encourage you to visit our library and sign out some items! (No membership is required)
All you do is simply take the card out of the back of the book and sign your name and date and drop the card into the little black box on the shelf. When you return your item, put it in the top drawer that says "Returns". There is no specific due date but we would appreciate it if the book was back as soon as possible so someone else may be able to enjoy it as much as you did!